This time of the year we all gear up for Collage basketball and the official theme called March Madness. However while I was at school with Jackson and Josh on "basketball with Dad" night on Monday I had the opportunity to show the boys my awesome basketball skills. First was the free-throw contest (Air ball 3 feet right) the Dad and boys behind me let out a loud laugh. Second was the 3 pointer (I was closer but still air ball). Third, the backwards free-throw and as you can guess I was not much closer than my forwards free-throw. Last and final was the half court throw and I really was pleased that I came close to hitting something. In the end 4 shots with 4 air balls, I believe that I will be traded in for a better version of Dad next time the boys have to take me to school. So, March Madness does not get a lot of play at my home we seem to fill the void with our normal activities except this year. The Walton's are having their own battle to the top and I feel it is kind of fun.
We started out with a low seed and our first round game was against a home in Aurora called "Walden". We were very nervous about this first round of competition and Wednesday we went head to head. Our team of inspectors, Mortgage brokers and real state agents battled for 4 hours and in the end we came home with a first round victory. We are past inspections and heading for an EOM closing!!!!
The Second round started before the first round (Not very good with this story line, it looks to be coming off the tracks already) where I started a diet to bring myself back from the dark side. During the 3 day prep faze I ate Protein and green veggies and 15 hours into it I started to get the pains from sugar withdrawal. I had headaches by the second day and as my co-workers can attest I became a jerk. However, I did make it, I am out of the prep faze and onto weight loss to get me back grounded and eating healthy. It is interesting to see how I have slowly moved away from what I know to be a balanced diet and allowed myself too many special treats. In fact I believe that if you have special treats 2-3 times a day you can't call them special anymore and they become a apart of my HIPS AND BELLY....ERRRRR I mean diet! So I am winning after the first quarter and will let you know how the battle goes for the month. I do not need to loose a large amount of weight this time but I do need to get what I eat and how much of it I eat back in line.
And to butcher this analogy just a little more I will tell you my "final 4" game. I have started to get serious about training again. Anne agrees that I have a very simple path to success on exercise. If I have a race to work towards I train better. If I train better I eat-sleep-act-think better. I am a better person when I a working out and so I have hired a coach again. I have planned a race schedule that has road racing, triathlons, Xterra's and Running races. I started my official schedule towards these events on the first of the month. I look forward to this season with my triathlon friend, my new cycling team RMSS and the assistance of coach BETH TENNANT. I have several friends that have ths same races with different coaches and teams but we are all still hanging together, racing together and training together.
In fact one of the highlights of round one is that we are moving close to Michael and
Michelle and I will have a world class triathlete close to our home and a fun training partner with both Michael and Michelle. BOOO YAAAA.
So a pretty good start to March, I am very excited about all that is progressing. I look forward to the ups and downs this month and hope that I will get to the "big dance" I am not sure what that dance will be or what the finals will look like so throw me a firkin bone..
Love you Anne,